If you've listened to us (here, or here), then you've seen former "Weekend Update" anchor Norm Macdonald when he's come through town—which means you already know he's one of the best comedians working today. And now he's campaigning to get the chair that Craig Ferguson's about to vacate on The Late Late Show, by which I mean he won't stop tweeting about it and he's using an appearance on Conan to show how good he'd be at it. "I've been studying it like a Jesuit," Norm says, shortly before proving he can do an entire talk show in a single minute:
Norm's the man for this job, and if that clip wasn't enough to convince you, let us go back to another Conan clip, from back in the gentler era of 1997, when Conan was a fresh-faced man-baby and Norm put in one of the best talk-show appearances of all time, despite not even being the person who was interviewed. Behold how he transforms what should have been an awful segment with Courtney Thorne-Smith—who's desperately, futilely to talk up her new movie with Carrot Top—into probably my favorite eight minutes that've ever been on TV. Then try to imagine how great this would be if this was just, you know, a show. Maybe a show that was on really late.
Now I can't stop watching Norm clips, so one more after the jump. But in conclusion, I will not rest until Norm gets to host The Late Late Show.
I was lying about there being just one more. Here's another one, from 2011, and then that's it.