I have a friend with cable and a pool. I'm at her house a lot, as you might guess. When accessing her cable, I prefer to spend it watching strange new channels, among which is the Esquire channel.
It's everything you'd imagine it to be. List shows with hot chicks, terribly terrible guilt watching of douchey high end realtors, and lots about booze and food. Naturally, Portland was bound to make the airwaves at some point. But this mens' mag turned content churning cable station's got two Portland chefs featured big time in the next week.
First up, Expatriate appears on an episode of America's Best Bars for its inventive (and addicting) "drinking snacks." The always packed Concordia outpost is run by Kyle Linden Webster, who dominates the cocktail menu, while those tasty snacks are whipped up by his wife, Chef Naomi Pomeroy, whose Beast is just across the street. The best parts? Watching a not-so-recently bleach blonde Pomeroy dip corndogs and fry 'em up herself, and learning the recipes to two drinks, the Bourbon-based cocktails Ornament and Crime and Lost Weekend.
Show's on tonight at 10 pm, and here is a Portland Mercury exclusive (ooh-la-la) sneak peek!
Then, Country Cat's Chef Adam Sappington is promised to be in some sort of knife fight against Kansas City Chef Michael Smith. Check that out on Tuesday at 10 pm or catch a preview here. I'm pretty sure no one dies.