As dutifully reported this week in I Love Television™, I'm squirting SQUEE juice over tonight's season premiere of Justified:
Justified (FX, Tues Jan 20, 10 pm). Though last season was a bit of a dud, for the sixth and final season of Justified, US Marshal Raylan Givens (Timothy Olyphant) is gonna come out with guns blazing. Expect a final showdown with the show's fantastic bad guy Boyd Crowder (Walton Goggins) as well as a Kentucky drug kingpin played by.... Squeeeeee!Sam Elliott? Yesssss! This is gonna cheer you up faster than a banana cocaine smoothie!
YES, I SAID SAM MOTHERFREAKING ELLIOTT. He of Road House and Lifeguard fame, and a close personal friend of mine. In this season, Elliott plays Markham, a somewhat shady Colorado pot kingpin who returns to Raylan's hometown of Harlan, Kentucky to reclaim the drug territory he once dominated—and seems happy to use violence (with the help of muscle men led by Raising Hope's terrific Garret Dillahunt) to get him there. Justified is great binge-watching material if you haven't watched it yet, has a stellar supporting cast, and is a terrific entry in the "modern Western" genre. Check out this trailer and get psyched for tonight's sixth (and final!) season premiere!