Wired just released a cool piece featuring Portland author Chuck Palahniuk and his favorite places to visit in Portland. The list, which is Southeast Portland-centric, is great.
Here are the places the Fight Club author suggests going to (and, you know, click the link to read his thoughtful explanations about why he chose these places):
1. Wilfs, a restaurant and jazz bar - 800 NW 6th Ave.
2. Hawthorne Hophouse, a pub - 411 SE Hawthorne Blvd.
3. Kidd's Toy Museum, a... toy museum - 1300 SE Grand Ave.
4. Wild Abandon, a restaurant - 2411 SE Belmont St.
5. St. Johns Twin Cinema, a theater - 8704 N Lombard St.
6. Gold Door, a jewelry and art store - 1434 SE 37th Ave.
7. Trinity Place, a street - NW Trinity Pl.
8. Wilhelm's Portland Memorial, an enormous mausoleum - 6706 SE 14th Ave.
Now click on over to Wired to read: "Heading to Portland? Chuck Palahniuk's got some ideas."