Hillary Clinton had a big Thursday. Having presumably locked up the Democratic nomination, Clinton got both the inevitable nod from President Obama and the backing of lefty firebrand Elizabeth Warren, which is probably a bigger deal.
Word on the street is that Clinton and Warren met this morning, fueling all manner of veep speculation.
Less than a week after a wrecked oil train sent fireballs into the sky above Mosier, Northwest tribes gathered nearby to call for an end to fossil fuel transport through the Columbia River Gorge. They've been calling for this for a long time.
You may have heard Portland's trying to convince the federal government to kick us $40 million to pursue technological innovations in the transportation network? Well, Mayor Charlie Hales made the final pitch yesterday (we're one of seven finalists, out of around 80 applicants). Here's the slickly produced video Portland brought as firepower.
What do you guys think? Is Memorial Coliseum a "National Treasure?" That's the new label being slapped on, in an effort to make progress in the quagmire surrounding the old arena.

A potentially very big gun control opinion came down in the federal Ninth Circuit (Oregon's own) yesterday. The appeals court says that the 2nd Amendment doesn't guarantee that any old asshole can carry a gun in public, which has a lot of assholes fuming.
The community board that's supposed to help see Portland's federally mandated police reforms is still in shambles. We wrote a bit about that last year.
Another problem that persists: Portland's woeful lack of preparation for the earthquake we're certain is approaching.
Lately, everyone's focused on "middle housing"—or duplexes, triplexes, etc. that might seamlessly fit into single-family neighborhoods as a partial tonic to the city's housing shortage. There's a new proposal for allowing more of that sort of thing, provided the new buildings aren't too big.
Turns out Donald Trump hasn't built anything close to a national campaign yet, so he's using a Republican National Committee (that's holding its nose at his candidacy) as a massive, 460-operative crutch.
I don't believe this widget for a moment.