Jessica Williams' last report for the Daily Show profiles a group of Bernie Sanders supporters who now say they'll vote for Donald Trump instead of Hillary Clinton. It's downright frightening how stupid they are:
Williams is leaving the Daily Show to create her own new show (meantime, you can find her on the 2 Dope Queens podcast):
I’ve had this idea for a while about a young woman who is a feminist and who imagines herself to be “woke.” I think that a lot of the time, we have this idea that when you are, like, “woke”— and please always put this in quotations! — that you should always have your shit together. But I know that often for me, as a black woman of color, I feel like I’m supposed to represent these ideals and values that I was taught as a young lady. Like I’m supposed to carry myself in a special type of way, but oftentimes I’m, like… I’m still in my 20s, and still kind of a mess. So it’s a show about somebody in their 20s who has all these social ideas, but still does not have it together. [Pauses] And she’s, like, goofy and silly and funny!
Can't wait for this. Plenty of smart but messy "woke" folks out here in Seattle.