Last week my house was served a 90-day, no-cause eviction notice, meaning I’m one more Portlander who has been fucked by the city’s cabal of evil landlords or whatever. There are a handful of great songs about getting evicted/having your rent raised—the Dead Kennedys'“Let’s Lynch The Landlord,” John Lee Hooker’s “House Rent Boogie”—but none as poignant and nuanced as Genesis’“Get ‘Em Out By Friday.”
Like most early period Genesis epics, “Get ‘Em Out By Friday” is a surreal slice of micro-musical theatre in which Peter Gabriel acts out every role. While many of his peers were dabbling in fantastical bullshit, Gabriel was writing witty, incisive lyrics about British culture—or more specifically, its decay, which makes him something of a missing link between Ray Davies and Damon Albarn.
And although “Get ‘Em Out By Friday” features an entirely fictional cast, its narrative is (loosely) based on real events: the song’s antagonist, Mark Hall, is believed to be a caricature of the notorious British landlord Peter Rachman, a man whose practices inspired the obscure noun “Rachmanism”—a word that, according to the Oxford Dictionary of English, describes “the exploitations and intimidation of tenants by unscrupulous landlords.” Sounds like a dick.
Full lyrics below, courtesy of Google Play.
John Pebble of Styx Enterprises:
Get em out by Friday!
You don't get paid ’til the last ones well on his way.
Get em out by Friday!
Its important that we keep to schedule, there must be no delay.Mark Hall of Styx Enterprises [Otherwise known as “The Winkler”]:
I represent a firm of gentlemen who recently purchased this house and all the others in the road.
In the interest of humanity we’ve found a better place for you
To go, go, go.Mrs. Barrow (A Tenant):
Oh no, this I can't believe,
Oh Mary, they’re asking us to leave.Mr. Pebble:
Get em out by Friday!
I've told you before, it’s a good many gone if we let them stay.
And if it isn't easy,
You can squeeze a little grease and our troubles will soon run away.Mrs. Barrow:
After all this time, they ask us to leave,
And I told them we could pay double the rent.
I don't know why it seemed so funny,
Seeing as how they’d take more money.
The winkler called again, he came here this morning,
With four hundred pounds and a photograph of the place he has found.
A block of flats with central heating.
I think were going to find it hard.Mr. Pebble:
Now we’ve got them!
I've always said that cash, cash, cash can do anything well.
Work can be rewarding,
When a flash of intuition is a gift that helps you
Excel-sell-sell-sell.Mr. Hall:
Here we are in Harlow new town, did you recognize your block?
Across the square, over there,
Sadly since last time we spoke, we’ve found we’ve had to raise the rent again,
Just a bit.Mrs. Barrow:
Oh no, this I can't believe.
Oh Mary, and we agreed to leave.9/18/2012 T. V. Flash on All Dial-a-Program Services:
This is an announcement from genetic control:
It is my sad duty to inform you of a four foot restriction on Humanoid height.Extract from Conversation of Joe Ordinary in Local Puborama:
I hear the directors of genetic control have been buying all the properties that have recently been sold, taking risks oh so bold.
It’s said now that people will be shorter in height, they can fit twice as many in the same building site.
They say its alright.
Beginning with the tenants of the town of Harlow,
In the interest of humanity, they’ve been told they must go.
Told they must go, go, go.Sir John de Pebble of United Blacksprings International:
I think I've fixed a new deal.
A dozen properties - we’ll buy at five and sell at thirty four.
Some are still inhabited,
It’a time to send the winkler to see them.
He’ll have to work some more.Memo from Satin Peter of Rock Development Ltd.:
With land in your hand, you’ll be happy on earth,
Then invest in the church for your heaven.