Chelsea Clinton had a near miss at her 2010 wedding to Marc Mezvinsky, according to an upcoming biography of Bill Clinton. According to a gossipy excerpt in Joe Conason's Man of the World: The Further Endeavors of Bill Clinton, published today on Politico, that missile of social graces, Donald Trump, elected to attend the nuptials, with our without an invite. (Hint: He was without.)
The wedding was a prestigious event, you see. A lavish, multi-million dollar affair. There was a no-fly zone. And a gluten-free wedding cake. Oprah* was rumored to be attending. How could Trumpie miss it?
Plus, he'd had Chelsea's parents at his own wedding, to Melania Knauss in 2005. He was in. He knew it. He couldn't wait to sit next to Madeleine Albright and discuss her incredible pin collection**.
Here's the rest of the excerpt:
And having given Bill Clinton free access to his northern Westchester golf club, Trump National, where he proudly hung photos of the former president—and had even cleared the links once for the Clintons to play on Bill’s birthday, Trump may well have felt they owed him. So when the wedding invitation didn’t arrive, he called Doug Band to try to invite himself. ‘I’m supposed to be at the wedding, Doug,’ said Trump briskly, ‘but I didn’t receive the invitation, and I need to know where to go.’ Band knew Trump wasn’t on the list, of course, and politely urged him to get in touch with Chelsea for directions. At that point, the would-be wedding crasher apparently gave up.
And so, Trumpie struck out—he later called the wedding "tacky"—and had to be content with inviting himself, unbidden, into the national consciousness on a near-hourly basis.
*Oprah did not attend. Neither did Steven Spielberg or Barbra Streisand, two other rumored guests.
**This may not be true, but I assume it is because that's what I would do.