by Ned Lannamann
Sunday tickets for Project Pabst are all sold out, but if you were dying to see Drive Like Jehu—or if you simply wanted to catch the seminal '90s post-hardcore band on their reunion jaunt without being surrounded by all those Ween fans—you're in luck.

Sunday tickets for Project Pabst are all sold out, but if you were dying to see Drive Like Jehu—or if you simply wanted to catch the seminal '90s post-hardcore band on their reunion jaunt without being surrounded by all those Ween fans—you're in luck.
A Sunday night show has just been announced at Bunk Bar, starting at 10 pm just as the festival activities at Waterfront Park wind down. Drive Like Jehu will be playing, only a few short hours after their main-stage set. Hungry Ghost (featuring Unwound's Sara Lund) will be opening. Tickets are $30 and available through Merc tickets, but I'd hurry because they'll probably disappear soon. And no, your Project Pabst wristband won't work.
So yeah—Drive Like Jehu at Bunk Bar (41 SE Taylor) at 10 pm this Sunday, August 28. Get tickets here.