You are undoubtedly familiar with the Mercury’s wildly popular and long-running column, I, Anonymous. (For you newbies, that’s the weekly column and daily blog that features YOUR completely anonymous rants, apologies, and confessions!) Well, get ready for a welcome surprise: I, Anonymous is now also a live monthly comedy show! Hosted by the wonderful and criminally funny Bri Pruett, The I, Anonymous Show will feature the Mercury’s best I, Anonymous submissions which will be discussed, argued over (and perhaps mocked a bit), live on stage by a panel of hilarious comedians and Portland celebs—which this month features Nariko Ott, Belinda Carroll, and Jason Rouse! This show was a breakaway hit when it premiered at the Bridgetown Comedy Festival, so don’t miss The I, Anonymous Show in its brand new home at The Secret Society—coming Monday, September 19!
Psst! And as always, drop off your rants, confessions, and apologies in the I, Anonymous Blog here.
Mon Sept 19, The Secret Society, 116 NE Russell, 7 pm, $10 adv (at merctickets.com), $15 door, 21+