YAHOO HACK: The personal data of half a billion Yahoo users was compromised in 2014, the company admitted, adding that the culprit was likely "a state-sponsored actor.""The company confirmed the breach in a statement on Thursday night," notes the Guardian, "but its statement, and a follow-up notification sent out to customers on Friday morning, raised as many questions as it answered." Meanwhile, the Times has a fun interactive quiz: "How Many Times Has Your Personal Information Been Exposed to Hackers?""Not all attacks are included here," reads the not-horrifying-at-all intro, "and many attacks go undetected, so think of your results as a minimum level of exposure."
CHARLOTTE: "Many regular activities resumed in uptown Charlotte Friday morning after a citywide curfew ended at 6 am following unrest after Tuesday’s fatal police shooting of a black man," reports the Charlotte Observer. "After two nights of violence in the streets Tuesday and Wednesday, Thursday’s protests were largely peaceful." In a groundbreaking technological development for video, the dash and body cam footage of the incident apparently shows two very different things at the same time. "Two narratives of the police videos showing the fatal shooting of a Charlotte man emerged Thursday," writes the Observer, "one from police saying the shots appeared justified, another from the family of Keith Lamont Scott saying he was killed while walking backward, hands at his side."
OREGON STANDOFF: Those fuckwits' trial is going super smoothly! So smoothly, in fact, that "Judge Anna J. Brown on Thursday threatened to hold Ammon Bundy's lawyer in contempt of court," reports the Oregonian. "The admonition followed days of directions by the judge to Mumford about restricting his questions during cross-examination to the testimony elicited during prosecutors' direct examination of witnesses. She frequently sustained prosecutors' objections to Mumford's lines of questioning because they were either irrelevant or 'beyond the scope'' of the direct testimony." Yep. That sounds about right.
PORTLAND'S GENDER-NEUTRAL RESTROOMS: As of today, Portland has nearly 600 gender-neutral public restrooms, reports KPTV! "Everyone should feel welcome in our city," said Commissioner Nick Fish. "Safe access to a restroom is a basic right, and I'm very proud that the City has taken this important step forward." This morning, Commissioner Amanda Fritz will reveal new, gender-neutral bathroom signage.
PRESIDENTIAL DEBATES: Hillary Clinton is frantically preparing to go onstage Monday night and have a rational, sensible debate with a megalomaniacal gibberish-shouting white supremacist. So... good luck, I guess? "Trump’s unpredictable, sometimes volatile behavior—particularly toward women—presents both opportunities and potential pitfalls for Clinton as she prepares to face him at Hofstra University on Monday night,"Vanity Fair helpfully points out. Cool. Great. This is going to be a motherfucking shitshow, isn't it?
MUSIC: In the Mercury's review of the new The Magnificent Seven, I mentioned Elmer Bernstein's classic theme for the 1960 Magnificent Seven. It's the best, and let's listen to it now, because it's an excellent way to start any day, especially after reading the goddamn news:
What I didn't have room to mention in my review was that The Magnificent Seven: 2016 Edition features the last score from James Horner, the late composer whose music was a major part of a few small, independent movies you may have heard of, like Titanic, Avatar, Braveheart, and Apollo 13. There's a great look at Horner's life and work on All Things Considered; it's well worth a listen.