One one hand, 2016 is a screeching shithole of a year that will not end—a year where anything good rots and festers and bursts, a year where any attempt to live a life worth living is twisted into sad mockery, a year where any frail dreams we might harbor are brutally strangled, strangled, strangled again and again.
ON THE OTHER HAND, 2016 is a year that offers trailers for films like Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (BABY GROOT), Into the Inferno (WERNER HERZOG ♥s VOLCANOES), and Army of One (no all caps parenthetical here, just a small note that watching this makes me very happy).
Yes, friends, the world might come to a catastrophic end before actually get to watch any of these movies, but for now, these films exist in a Schrödinger's cat kind of way: They both exist and they do not. While they may not be real for us, not yet, the promise of them at some point being available to us is enough to wonder, however briefly, if perhaps life might not always be this cruel, this ugly, this pointless. Dare we, friends, clutch to some meager measure of hope? To some infinitesimal shred of optimism? To some—
*remembers the debate is tonight*
*yanks Scotch out of desk drawer*