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Hillary Clinton
Hillary Rodham Clinton is arguably the most qualified person ever to run for president, and the woman who’s come the closest to making it. Also, she’s running against a man with zero policy experience who’s bragged about sexual assault. Yeah, this isn’t a tough call.
Clinton’s record says it all. She’s worked as an attorney for the Children’s Defense Fund, served on the impeachment inquiry staff advising the House Judiciary Committee on Watergate, was one of only two women to work on faculty at the University of Arkansas School of Law, helped co-found the first rape crisis hotline in Arkansas, single-handedly transformed the role of First Lady by taking an active role in shaping policy, worked across party lines to get shit done while representing New York in the US Senate, and gained huge approval ratings while serving as Secretary of State after losing the Democratic nomination to Obama in 2008.
This time around, Clinton is running on one of the most progressive Democratic Party platforms ever— one that calls for criminal justice and police reform; aims to repeal the Hyde Amendment, which bars federal funds from covering abortion (and which disproportionately impacts low-income women and women of color); and advocates for immigration reform, a $15 minimum wage, and closing private prisons.
She’s also the only one who can save us from Donald Trump—whose mere existence requires a trigger warning.
Now is not the time for a protest vote. And besides, you deserve so much better than Jill Stein—whose pandering to the anti-vaxxer crowd is nearly as bad as her onetime folk band—or Gary Johnson, who doesn’t know what an Aleppo is.
If you sit this one out, you’re letting the emotional terrorists win. Vote Clinton.
Read the rest of our endorsements here.