Everything you missed on the Mercury blog from Monday, October 17-Friday, October 21.

BIG BOOM: A large gas explosion leveled a building in NW Portland Wednesday morning—luckily there were no deaths.
THIRD PARTY: Here's a great video of John Oliver taking a shit on America's third party candidates.
HUMP!:The 2016 HUMP! Films are here! And with films submitted from all over the world this year, we're going to have to stop calling HUMP! the "Pacific Northwest's Biggest, Best, and Only Porn Festival." HUMP! is now a globe-straddling/globe-humping/globe-spooging colossus.

ENDORSEMENTS: You’ve got a bunch of important decisions to make, Portland. Here's some help.

NO SMOKING:The state just sneakily outlawed a bunch of Portland smoking patios, and bars are not happy about it.

YOU'RE OUT OF HERE: A drunk lady was thrown out of Hannibal Buress late show at the Aladdin Theater. Then she threw dirt on the staff.

NEW FOOD CART ALERT: Wieden+Kennedy set up a Trump-skewering food cart downtown. All they're serving is a single piece of bologna on white bread.