I've finally reached peak bike rage...
When you are illegally parked in a bike lane removing your baby from a car door that is now directly open into the car lane since you are already on top of the bike lane, then proceed without looking either way to walk into a busy street with regular traffic, though luckily at this point it's just me on a bike, already slowing down since I saw this coming a mile away. So when I say "Hey!" to get your attention, you look startled! As you should be. I give you logical advice, "please pay attention to your surroundings." You, and your lady were the ones 100% in the wrong so when you start talking shit, and telling me I gotta slow the fuck down, and learn to predict when you are gonna jay walk in front me, I'll happily give you a well earned, "Fuck you!"
Learn to say you're fucking sorry for breaking the law, and putting yourself, and others in danger, don't yell at the person who is paying attention, making safe decisions that just avoided your lady getting run over by a bike, and for christ sake don't put your infant child in danger because you wanna be right while being plainly wrong.