A reader weighs in on yesterday's Tinder-related SLLOTD dilemma...
As a former Tinder user, here are my four cents...
1. Not just a straight app: It’s for the gays too. It’s just the most popular app for the straights. As far as my straight friends go, anyway.
2. My theory of what happened: He “un-matched” her after they’d matched. Lots of guys just swipe everyone right and then see who that wide net catches, then choose from their matches. Ladies don’t do that so much. But lots of guys do, especially straight guys. It’s a thing. If that is the case, then that moment was his expressing disinterest, and she needs to let him go.
3: My take on her theory: Tinder crashed and glitched and his profile disappeared? Outside chance. But it is possible. It is a glitchy app. It does crash. Never lost a match to that though.
4. Is Instagram DM’ing weird? A little, IMHO, but certainly far from the weirdest (I prefer “creepiest) thing in the world of dating app etiquette. He did have his Instagram linked to his Tinder. I imagine the purpose of that was to provide more imagery for potentially interested ladies than it was to provide more means for communication. All we know is that suddenly she suddenly lost his profile. So really it is exactly what it sounds like: messaging someone after they’ve possibly unmatched you via a third party program that was available to you when the two were matched. Seems a bit thirsty to me.
5. Unrelated to all of the above: Tinder has a pretty bad track record of transphobia (blocking/banning trans folks or perceived-to-be-trans folks for switching their genders, presumably because of the complaints from their straight users who interact with them). So fuck Tinder.