I've known you to be a kind of militant bus driver. Keep to your rules and enforce them. Everyone behind the yellow line. No one rides a day late with their old monthly pass. Keeping to your schedule. It has to be the way you drive. I kinda like it because it's fast but you fly over bumps, so much stop and go, and you give passengers a jolt trying to find their seat. You are a little scary. I'd be afraid to ask you a question. It's like you'll lash out at someone at any time.
What confuses me is when you sing. You sing these beautiful blues songs with a good voice, only on Fridays, and only when crossing a bridge. It's a nice calling card. But I wonder what you're more well known for. Taking your job very seriously and busting peoples balls for not obeying Trimet guidelines? Or being a soul singer? I personally think you should sing more rather than holding up the bus when someone is trying to find their pass. You could still drive and kick em off later. You'll be a less uptight person. Then again, how stupid do you have to be not knowing you're getting on the bus. Oh, that became about dumb passengers.
Keep on singing. Loosen up your panties, just a little. Thanks for driving!