Happy Election Day! https://t.co/jfd3CXLD1spic.twitter.com/IfOBRuvQzJ
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) November 8, 2016
It all comes down to this, everybody. If you still haven't voted, YOU NEED TO VOTE. You have until 8 pm to fill out your ballot and drop it off at one of these spots. Here are our humble recommendations. If you've already voted, check to make sure your ballot has been received here.
Once West Coast polls close at 8 pm, if recent presidential elections are an indication, we might well know pretty quickly whether Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump (who never released those tax returns) is the next president. (Times in the following tweet are Eastern.)
When the AP called the election
2012: 11:38 pm, Tuesday
2008: 11 pm, Tuesday
2004: 11:19 am, Wednesday
2000: No call
1996: 9 pm, Tuesday
— Nick Timiraos (@NickTimiraos) November 7, 2016
So how do things look? Fivethirtyeight has Clinton with around a 71 percent chance to win the presidency as of now, but her lead in recent polls has been narrow enough that it's within the margin of error. Still, prevailing sentiment this morning seems to be that Clinton has a strong chance to win.
She already crushed the First Vote in the Nation, in tiny Dixville Notch, NH.
Politico's got a useful dashboard for tracking important races in every state.
Here in Oregon, we may be on track to see the highest number of votes cast in state history—perhaps more than 2 million.
Not that the outcome here is in doubt for Clinton. Here's noted local Turncoat Denis C. Theriault (or has he suspiciously shed that middle initial?!) with a spiel about states you want to keep an eye on today.
And there's a new way to obsess over this bizarre election's outcome, this year. Slate has decided to deliver analyses in real time, rather than waiting until 5 pm Eastern as Major Outlet Tradition dictates. So you can watch there for a sense of how races in some of the more crucial battlegrounds are going.
One lingering national question (beyond the fate of our nation): Whether Democrats can wrest control of the US Senate from Republicans. Here's a rundown of the races of interest. Again, there's not much apparently at play here in Oregon. US Senator Ron Wyden has a comfortable lead, according to polls.
More pressing questions about Oregon voters' opinions: Whether nonstop corporate spending has soured voters on Measure 97, and whether Dennis Richardson is able to buck the 14-year trend of Republicans losing bids for statewide office. It looks as though he could win the Secretary of State race against Democrat Brad Avakian.
Here in Portland, will Chloe Eudaly beat out incumbent Steve Novick for City Council? Recent history is against her: An incumbent commissioner hasn't lost since 1992. (I just saw Eudaly and some supporters waving signs at the east end of the Broadway Bridge.)
Also: Will voters approve the $258.4 million bond for affordable housing that advocates have pushed relentlessly in recent months? And who will lock up the two available seats on the Multnomah County Board of Commissioners? We'll be tracking all of this this evening, with our Mercury Election Live Blog, which you can follow on your phone while attending the bitchin'Mercury Election Party at the Doug Fir. Swing through, and pick up one of our great Election Night hats (modeled here by Merc Editor-in-Chief Wm.™ Steven Humphrey).
It's even going to be sunny today? Maybe this is the start of something okay, America.