Molly Spence Sahebjami, who lives in Seattle's Wallingford neighborhood, started up the Facebook group"Dear President Trump: Letters from Kids About Kindness" the day after the devastating election.
"Sahebjami decided on the Facebook page after her son, Calvin, 5, told her about how the election turned out, 'Oh, the mean man won,'"The Seattle Times reports.
Now just over a week later, the page has gone viral and has nearly 10,600 members.
On letter posted to the group's page today comes from a six-year-old in Chicago. It reads:
I wish
you would
Be nice
and Be nice
like the
Blue Sky.
every body
is count
on you.the country
is crying.
We need
kindness and
You can check here for a few more of their letters or join the Facebook community to have your own kiddos give Trump a piece of their minds.