The best show not many of you are watching is far and away American Horror Story. I CANNOT OVERSTATE THIS INDISPUTABLE FACT!! Now that you've been duly informed, get ready to be duly informed of something else: AHS will be returning next season with a (mostly) new cast and a new haunted mansion! This is something regular viewers will not be overly surprised by—but compared to other TV shows? It's kind of a SUPER BIG DEAL as other series never, ever, ever do this sort of thing!
Producer Ryan Murphy broke the news to EW:
That means fans may — or may not — get another fix from stars like Jessica Lange, Dylan McDermott, and Connie Britton when the drama returns next year. “Some of them will be coming back,” Murphy teased during a teleconference today. “I’m talking to several of them and we’re in negotiations. There will be familiar faces, but there will also be new faces on the show.”Murphy hopes to announce the new storyline and cast in February.
Should some of the first season actors return for another round of AHS episodes, they’ll be “playing completely different characters, creatures, and monsters,” Murphy added. ”It’s a really fun idea to do an anthology show. That’s the way it was designed from the beginning. Every season, there will be a new haunting and we’ll have a new overriding theme.”
Mostly because of what eventually happened to the once brilliant Glee, I never expected AHS to be interesting past three episodes—but goddamn if Murphy hasn't knocked this one out of the park, and I can't wait for season two. Gary Busey clap for you, sir!!