Hi, best friends! Excuse me, I mean, hello secondary friends. (Television is my best friend.) I think that a lot of you watch these shows on Hulu over the weekend and cannot participate in my recap conversations. Um, what do you do on Thursday nights? I don’t get it.
Whatever, I’m blogging this shit anyways.
30 Rock
Taking cues from real life, this episode handled the aftermath of a Tracy Jordan anti-gay comment, echoing an identical situation created by Tracy Morgan last summer. Liz is characteristically annoyed about having to clean up after Tracy, pointing out that the gays are the wrong group to piss off because they are highly organized: “the gays make the Japanese look like the Greeks.” After Liz publicly calls Tracy an idiot, Tracy organizes a protest of the network by idiots, with celebrity spokeswoman Denise Richards. I don’t know if Denise Richards is the biggest celebrity idiot I can think of, and her showing up to mock herself is decidedly unidiotic, so way to fuck things up, Denise.
More idiot stuff below this jump.