Game of Thrones Recap: Feelings in Hot Tubs Edition
Last night's Game of Thrones successfully combined scheming and plotting with action- wheels were being wound up, but we also got to see plots unfold. The vast majority of it was in one-on-one scenes...
View ArticleMad Men Recap - The Flood
This recap is dedicated to my good friend Johnny for his birthday. Thanks for reading John! You are generous and handsome.One thing Mad Men consistently reminds me of is that the 60's were a really...
View ArticleWatch the Premiere of Inside Amy Schumer... NOW.
While the premiere episode of Inside Amy Schumer—starring the absolutely filthy/hilarious comedian Amy Schumer—doesn't debut until tonight (Comedy Central, 10:30 pm), you can watch it right NOW on the...
View ArticleToday in "Goof Abouts": Zack Galifianakis SNL Promos
I'm pretty sure I don't care how many Hangover sequels he does—I love me some Zach Galifianakis so much, I don't even have to Google his name anymore to see how to spell it. He's hosting Saturday Night...
View ArticleThis is How Marvel Starts Their Own Television Network
Marvel wasn't always a media juggernaut. They've almost gone bankrupt before, and the '90s weren't kind to them, just like they weren't kind to DC, or market speculators, or anyone who ever had a...
View ArticleMad Men Recap: Cris-a-tunity!
First of all, the GIF everyone wants to see:That pratfall came right after Pete yelled out, "DRAPER!" like a curse word across the office. Find out why after the jump!Lisa: Look on the bright side,...
View ArticleGame of Thrones Recap: Bleakness and Death Edition
Well, that was weird. Bleakness. Death. Hopelessness. Last night's Game of Thrones was short on action and long on angst and death. Compared to the last two episodes it was something a tad slow. It...
View ArticleBad Lip Reading: The Walking Dead
The verrry funny folks at Bad Lip Reading have another dub-tastic masterpiece for you guys—because this time they're lampooning The Walking Dead! (Unsurprisingly, you'll wish it were real. Especially...
View ArticleGood Morning, Television!
Fox has NINE brand new shows (some promising, others TERRIBLE) coming up this fall, including an Andy Samberg cop show. Would you like a sneaky peek at them? Oh my shit, why not?The Voice admits on-air...
View ArticleLetterman's "Stooge of the Night" Is My New Favorite Thing
I saw David Letterman's "Stooge of the Night" segment for the first time last night. (Apologies if I'm late to the party on this; according to NewsBusters—"Exposing & Combating Liberal Media...
View ArticleAgents of S.H.I.E.L.D Promo Trailer Coming Soon? Possibly? Maybe?
So this is what we've been reduced to! Blogging about the possibility of ABC picking Joss Whedon's highly anticipated Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, and the possibility of a promo for the show being broadcast...
View ArticleCommunity Will Probably (Sigh) Return; And Mike Tyson Mysteries?
Rumor has it that Community—the once great sitcom, now a rather annoying un-killable herpes sore—may yet return for another season. SIGH. From Vulture:NBC is very close to ordering a fifth season of...
View ArticleTease Me! Here's that Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Teaser!
As promised/warned last week, here is the first official teaser/trailer for the most awesome, yet annoying to type, show of the fall season Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. And it features every fanboy's current...
View ArticleGame of Thrones Recap: Butts and Bears Edition
George R. R. Martin wrote last night's episode of Game of Thrones. Seeing his name at the top of the show, I expected some kind of world-shaking events to take place plot-wise. That didn't happen....
View Article50 Shades Of Mad Men Recap
Stoned, bearded Stan is your favorite Stan. Until Now. Did you know Stan was a Teenage Heartthrob in the 90's?Adorable! Hit the jump for this week's Mad Men recappage."Man With a Plan" finds us in the...
View ArticleHere Is the Arrested Development Season Four Trailer
Look, I'm not watching this thing. I want to go into the fourth season of Arrested Development completely fresh, and I don't know why anyone would want some of the jokes telegraphed in advance. But if...
View ArticleGood Afternoon, Television!
Joss Whedon joins Twitter! (I love it when people you figured were old hands at Twitter finally decide to jump on the boat. So adorable! FOLLOW HIM.)Jimmy Fallon's new Tonight Show and Seth Meyers new...
View ArticleOnce You See How the Burger's Made...
The cast of Bob's Burgers came through town Friday night on a five-stop tour of the US. The show was at a packed and hot-as-hell Crystal Ballroom.John Benjamin and Eugene Mirman start the show by...
View ArticleGood Morning, Television!
After 8 years, SNL regular Bill Hader—best known perhaps as the heeeeeelarious Stefon—is leaving the show. Fine, but don't take Stefon with you!Adult Swim is returning with another Greatest Event in...
View ArticleWatch This Trailer for FX's New Show The Bridge—CUZ IT'S CREEEEEEPY
If you're a regular watcher of FX—home to a good many of the best shows on TV (Hello, The Americans!)—then you've probably noticed the quick, mysterious commercials for their upcoming crime drama The...
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