As you may have heard, Allison Williams (Marnie from your favorite show in the world, Girls) has been cast in the NBC musical adaptation of Peter Pan, as Peter Pan! And the Today Show has revealed the first picture of her as the androgynous little sprite.
Ummm... okay, I'm trying not to have "feelings" right now... but I'm totally having "feelings." You know... feelings "down there." I'M NOT PROUD OF MYSELF OKAY?? It's just very confusing! Because obviously Allison is a very attractive woman, and she makes a super hot dude as well... but Peter Pan is like a kid, right? So NO! I am NOT having feelings! Those feelings are gross, and I'm definitely NOT having them anymore. Even though her legs are totally bangin', and her boots are adorbs. AND SHE'S SITTING ON A SHIP'S RIGGING!! Oh dear god, that's hot!!NO FEELINGS!!