Did you see last night's episode of The Walking Dead? It was pretty good! (Except for the WORST scene in its entire history, of course. Wait... possibly the worst scene in the entire history of TELEVISION.) Find out about that and much more in my spoiler-filled recap after the jump! IT'S THE WALKING DEAD CHITTY CHAT CLUB, Y'ALL!
More after the jump!
Here's what I'm thinking about last night's episode, "Consumed."
1) Yay, a Carol and Daryl (awwww, so cute) episode! Anything that features Daryl is sure to be good, but as of late, Carol has been coming on as one of the series' strongest characters. And in this ep, we saw a lot of Carol flashbacks—after Rick kicked her out of the prison, burying the kids she had been taking care of, setting old friends on fire... that sort of thing! Anyway, Carol and Daryl (awwwww) are chasing after the car with the cross on the back all the way to Atlanta, where they temporarily hole up in a domestic abuse shelter that Carol visited one time... before she went back to former hubby, Racisty McRacist! (Remember him? WOTTA RACIST!!)
2) Carol talks a lot about how she's a changed person, while Daryl quotes from "The Tao of Daryl"reminding her that the "now" is the only thing that matters. (GONG. Let us meditate silently on that for five minutes.) However, it appears that Daryl still feels some pain from the past when Carol notices a "Surviving Childhood Sexual Abuse" book that fell out of his backpack. (Maybe he was just enjoying some light reading? Me, I'm waiting for the movie to come out.)
3) Anyway, remember the guy from Everybody Hates Chris who escaped from the hospital with Beth's help? He shows up on the scene and steals C&D's gun and crossbow! Carol tries to shoot him, but Daryl stops her, because he's presumably a good person... until later when he dumps a book shelf on him and leaves him to be eaten by zombies. Then Carol's the good person. The relationship between these two is so ADORABLE!
4) OKAY, so here's the worst scene in the show, and perhaps in television history: While investigating a cross-bearing hospital van that's balanced precariously on the edge of an overpass, C&D get trapped inside by a bunch of zombies, who push the van off the bridge. It's at least a 30 foot drop and goes off nose down ... and yet somehow? IT DEFIES THE LAW OF PHYSICS BY FLIPPING 540 DEGREES TO LAND ON ITS WHEELS.
6) And of course they just escaped with seatbelt burns. I was in a car wreck one time where I dropped only five feet into a ditch and was in the hospital for a week with a cracked vertebrae. To reiterate...
8) I don't even know if I can talk about this show anymore. Anyway to sum up: Everybody Hates Chris promises to take C&D to the hospital where Beth is being kept, when WHAMMO! One of the "cross cars" runs over Carol! (Ouch! Hope she doesn't get a "seatbelt burn"!) Everybody Hates Chris convinces Daryl to go get the rest of Rick's Rangers to attack the hospital, and that's where we leave things for this week.
9) Okay, so other than that BULLLLLLLLLLLLLL-SHIT! van crash off the bridge, that was a pretty good episode, and I could watch a lot more like that. But seriously! That BULLLLLLLLLLLLLL-SHIT! van crash is the worst fucking thing I've seen in a long time, and for a show that puts so much moolah into zombie head squashing, you'd think they could've done a much better job, and okay I'm going to shut up now.
10) But again... BULLLLLLLLLLLLLL-SHIT! Got any comments? Leave 'em in the comments and join us again next week for a lot more chitty-chatting!