Hey, did you watch The Walking Dead last night? Man, my forehead still hurts from slapping it so hard! Find out what got my goat after the jump, where I shall provide a funny, spoiler-filled recap, and you will comment with your own commentary! It's the Walking Dead Chitty-Chat Club, y'all!
Here's what I'm thinking about last night's mid-season finale, "Coda":
1) Okay, so it was the mid-season finale, which means somebody's gonna get croaked, right? (Don't worry, it'll be a minor character who always kind of annoyed you anyway.) This episode starts with the creepo cop (who tricked Sasha) trying to make his getaway back to the hospital, when... what's that sound? It's the heavy clop clop clop of Rick's boots chasing after him! (Running in cowboy boots is #3,457 of post-apocalyptic necessary evils.) After yelling for him to stop, Rick bumps him in the butt with a cop car, and then shoots him in the head. Was that really necessary? Of course not... but OH. So satisfying.
2) This changes their (still terrible) plan somewhat. However, the other two captured cops swear the trade for Carol and Beth will still go off without a hitch. Again, and can I say this enough? THIS IS THE MOST STUPID PLAN EVER.
3) Meanwhile back at the church, Rev. McChickenshit has escaped and is snooping around the local elementary school where he stumbles upon Bob's leg the Terminus people neglected to eat. Furious at such wastefulness, he dumps the entire shebang on the ground, and the maggots are all like, "Hey! We were eating that!!" Anyway, the dumb religious dingaling accidentally lures a big horde of zombies back to the church (Nice job, Pope Dope!), forcing Michonne, Rick Jr., and the bag of flour we're supposed to believe is Baby Judith, to make a run for it. On the upside, Rev. McChickenshit logs his first zombie kill—but seriously, what a fucking dum-dum he is.
4) Anyway, they're about to be eaten again, when G.I. Ginger and the gang (including still unconscious Fat Elvis the Non-Scientist) come roaring up to save the day. Maggie is PSYCHED to learn Beth is still alive—oh, hello, foreshadowing—and they all rush off to help the A-Team complete the most asinine, idiotic plan ever.
5) Meanwhile back at the hospital, Beth and Dawn have a really boring conversation about something, and end up kicking a rapey guard down the zombie-filled elevator shaft. HONESTLY, I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THAT ENTIRE SUBPLOT WAS ABOUT. I was only watching to see if Beth would get slapped again or get another ugly scar on her face, which was quickly becoming the highlight of my Sundays.
6) And now.... activate monumentally stupid plan! Rick and the gang (including Everybody Hates Chris who has no business being there) meet up with Dawn and her cops (including grownup Dr. Doogie Howser who has no business being there) in a tight hospital hallway. Now, in what universe do you do a prisoner exchange in the enemy's headquarters?? Uggh!!! This stupid plan is driving me insane! Anyway, the exchange almost goes off without a hitch, when Dawn changes the terms and demands for Rick to hand over Everybody Hates Chris. Rick is like, "NO WAY!" and Everybody Hates Chris is like, "No big deal, whatever," and Beth is like, "I thought we were lady friends!", stabs Dawn with some scissors, and gets her brains blown out for her trouble.
7) Unsurprisingly, shit is about to get REAL—but one of the guards says, "Ding dong the witch is dead! We hated Dawn, so let's not shoot each other." And even though Rick reeeeeeeeeeally wants to shoot somebody, he doesn't, and the world's worst plan worked out better than even I expected.
8) To say the least, Maggie is... umm... disappointed. However, if you're going to kill off a Walking Dead character, Beth is one of the better choices. AM I MEAN FOR SAYING THAT? I'm sure you'd say the same thing about me if I were in that situation.
9) Okay, so that's it for this half of the season... leave your opinions in the comments, and I'll see you all in February, when Rick will certainly be murdering more people for sport and dreaming up even WORSE plans than the one last night! (Five bucks says Rev. McChickenshit gets eaten next!)