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A few days ago, HBO aired the episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver in which Oliver went to Russia to hang out with Edward Snowden. It was fucking great. And it was also significantly more... ah... welcoming than, say, a certain full-length documentary about the horrifying dystopian reality of America's surveillance state? Getting people to watch the remarkable Citizenfour was like pulling teeth—probably because, as Oliver noted, Americans would rather talk about anything else. Which, I mean, kind of makes sense, really: Most people like watching comedies, not movies about how we're all fucked.
ON THE OTHER HAND, people love watching John Oliver—you don't have to pull any teeth to get people to watch John Oliver!—so maybe that Last Week Tonight will help remind people how important and terrifying our current reality is. And today, via The Intercept, comes a heads up about a bonus scene from the episode, in which Snowden tries—so valiantly tries—to teach John Oliver how to use better passwords.
Here's the whole Snowden episode, just in case you haven't watched it yet. (You should really watch it.)