Hello, friends. I had fun with some of you last night but now my head is ouchy and I’m pretty sure that my computer screen is launching knives into my eyeballs, so I’m going to make this short.
So last night’s episode showed us that Annie is moving in with Troy and Abed. Typical Britta goes all buzzkiller and warns Annie that it will mess up their friendship. But she’s right because Troy and Abed are basically giant children who have eaten too much candy and also might have development problems (is that the polite way to say re-re?). They suggest Annie live in a fort rather than the empty bedroom that they call the Dreamatorium. Meanwhile, Pierce gets fucked up off paint fumes and his drug fantasies are so awesome. I should get into paint fumes.
I really, really appreciate that this show can be so weird and theme-y but then go back to have relatable characters who do and talk about normal things. Big ups to Community.
P&R in the jump. Do it!