Last night’s episode of Grimm was about magic coins that turn you into Hitler. It was stupid. I enjoyed it.
I fully and completely recognize that it was bad. The dialogue in particular was groan-worthy. However, the episode moved along at a fairly good pace and managed to be mostly unboring. As a piece of mindless entertainment that you can download into your head to distract yourself from life, it more or less succeeded.
The MacGuffin of the show was three coins which granted fortune and power upon whoever owned them (for some reason). The coins were apparently minted in ancient Greece and then owned by Claudius, Nero, Caligula, the Han dynasts, and, it turns out, HITLER. The last shot of the show was Nick watching an old film of a Hitler speech, and then seeing Der Fuhrer sprout additional fur and dentition. Um, is that okay? Is using Hitler in such a cavalier manner acceptable?
The episode centered around various interested parties trying to obtain the aforementioned coins. In each case, the coins made them both powerful, and kind of stupid. Two thieves (a Spanish fur-beastie and a hawkman) both tried to get the coins, because once you get them you never want to give them up. Hank holds them, and turns into an amped-up hypercop. Captain Renard gets them, and proceeds to aggressively stare at himself shirtless in a mirror. He also dreams that he’s Caesar or something. (Come to think of it, these coins are a lot like cocaine...) The only one who can resist their power is Nick, because the plot demanded such. At the end of the episode, Nick gets the coins, hides them in his trailer, and then Hitler.
Exclamatory highlights after the jump!