It's possible that if you don't live in New York City or follow politics closely, the first time you heard about Congressman Anthony Weiner was when he sent a picture of his package over his public Twitter account. It was May 27, 2011, the day the headlines wrote themselves.
Josh Kriegman and Elyse Steinberg's documentary Weiner picks up with this moment firmly acknowledged. It's 2013, post-Bulgegate, and Weiner's putting the past behind him and running for mayor of New York City. But just as his campaign is picking up steam, a crop of new explicit images and exchanges surface, putting his comeback in jeopardy.
I remember what happened next, and you probably do, too: He was re-eviscerated in the media (no thanks to his nom de peen"Carlos Danger") and lost—badly—to Bill de Blasio. I was more curious about how the film, not Weiner, would handle the revelation.