That's a headline I never thought I'd type outside of my own dreams. It's been a busy week for presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. Last night on The Rachel Maddow Show, Clinton was endorsed by Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, and theyboth tweeted a "Delete your account" at Donald Trump. Someone is going to have to pick me up off the floor if this kind of DGAF feminist Avengers teamwork continues, because it's a novel, weird feeling to see something you've hoped for forever finally take shape.
Clinton's next move? Stating that so-called "women's issues" will in fact be central to her campaign messaging in a speech given today at an event for Planned Parenthood. "Women's issues" including abortion access. Here's Time:
The speech was a departure for a major presidential candidate. Even Barack Obama, the only sitting president ever to address Planned Parenthood, did not say the word “abortion” when he gave an address on reproductive care access in 2013. In her speech Friday, Clinton said it 16 times.
16 times. Clinton used a word that even hard-left candidates often avoid. Please, tell me more about how this woman has no integrity!
In a week when an alleged rapist gets off easy, and another likely won't even be prosecuted, when every day serves as a new reminder that we live in a world that devalues women if it doesn't straight-up hate them, do you know what it's like to hear the presumptive Democratic nominee for president, who also happens to be a woman, say the word "abortion" 16 fucking times in a speech, not like it's a shameful scarlet letter, but what it is: a critical part of women's health care and bodily autonomy?
I have been waiting to see a woman elected president since I was a wacky little kid sitting on my dad's shoulders while holding a yard sign at a rally in Seattle for US Senator Patty Murray. I know I'm not alone. Feel however you want about Hillary Clinton, but if you can't see the historical value of this moment, please save your "Actually" statements for Reddit. To many women and men I know, it means something when a liberal woman who's poised to be our next commander in chief, freshly endorsed by one of the coolest people in Congress, says out loud that women's reproductive rights matter. It's both a natural extension of Clinton's policy background and also something she likely wouldn't have stated so plainly earlier in her career. There is a word for this, and that word is progress.