What happens when you put together the two best things in the world: delicious beer and rocking bands? You get the fifth annual Malt Ball, a festival that celebrates the staggering abundance of terrific music in our city AND the finest craft breweries that the Portland area has to offer.
Your pals at the Mercury have partnered with the Oregon Brewers Guild and Mississippi Studios to bring you the best-sounding beer festival in town, or the best-tasting music fest — whichever way you want to look at it.
See photos of the 2015 Malt Ball here.
Here are this year's mashups of bands and brewers:
Months &Hair Of The Dog Brewing Company
Bitch'n &Hopworks Uban Brewery
The Ghost Ease &Lompoc Brewing
Pt. Juncture WA& Fort George Brewery
Headliner Natasha Kmeto&Stormbreaker Brewing