Hello, fellow peasants. It was nice of Steve to slum it in these recaps last week, but now he is back in his plush castle made of premium cable and diamonds, and I resume my Thursday night job of drinking Mad Dog with network television. And what a night it was!
I’m going to be honest: I'll have to watch this at least three more times before I can figure out everything that is going on. Like Troy’s honest reaction to Inception: there’s just so many layers.
Annie’s lesson to Abed about empathy is necessary, even if it does break him. Abed’s kind of flying off the handle, isn’t he? He’s gone from the heart of the group who keeps everybody together to the guy whose selfish, almost cruel attitude could tear everybody apart. Even though he comes around by the end of this episode, his darkness has been casting a shadow on most of these new episodes. This show has fantastic character evolution so I really, really hope Abed evolves into somebody…less weird. Nicer.
More on this, and other things, after the jump!