While I am generally not in favor of flagrantly deconstructing female politicians' hair/makeup/marriages outside of the historical significance of women politicians wearing white, I am 100 percent in favor of a recent social media phenomenon that cropped up during this never-ending election season: the rise of the Hillary Clinton style Instagram. I don't exhaustively follow that many style or beauty blogs (exceptions are Wildfang's Instagram and the now-shuttered Millihelen, RIP), because they're often boring and self-indulgent and cling to a very specific idea of what women should look like and how they should dress, but given that Hillary Clinton has been criticized for nearly everything she's ever done, there's something oddly delightful about these Instagram accounts, which are only celebratory. It's also satisfying to see how well many of Clinton's varied fashion choices have aged.
@hillarystreetstyle, which pairs images of Clinton with similarly-garbed celebrities, is my personal favorite. To wit:
Another essential HRC Insta is brought to us by @hillarylooks, which uses the tagline "even sarah michelle gellar is voting for her" because anyone who's ever watched Buffy can probably tell you about the particular sadness of Sarah Michelle Gellar's real-life political views. Still, could the Slayer really support anyone else in the battle against the real-life Caleb? The answer is no, she couldn't. And she isn't. Gellar has publicly stated she's voting for Clinton.
@hillarylooks is full of pictures of Clinton with some heavy hitters, including Michelle Obama (of course), Britney Spears (!), and one very excited future prez.
Say what you want about Hillary Clinton. That people will is something we can rely on all too comfortably. But I welcome our new lady president style Instagram overlords.