Just when you start to get comfortable with your post-Project Runway existence (I hereby ban any more Portland designers from submit to these televised shenanigans... please?), it rears its ugly head again. Those of us who have all but completely given up on the merits of this competition may have sworn off the show, but you could hardly be helped if you formed any attachments to any coulda- shoulda- woulda-won former contestants. Enter the new Project Runway All Stars Challenge, starring none other than Mondo, who will probably be single handedly responsible for drawing 95% of viewers. As you'll recall, Mondo was barely beat out by Portland contestant Gretchen Jones in Season 8 in what was then one of the judges' most controversial decisions (arguably less so than the more recent decision to award the grand prize to someone who doesn't know how to make clothes).
Mondo may have lost that round, but he won the hearts of PR fans, and you can bet they'll be rooting for him when All Stars debuts in its just-announced debut on January 5 at 9 pm on Lifetime. Entertainment Weekly has the exclusive (and non-embeddable) video preview. In the meantime, take a short trip down memory lane before deciding if you're in it for the long haul.