The long weekend makes for a short week, everybody. That's the only silver lining I can find this bleak morning.
While you were out enjoying our great state this weekend, a trio of assholes were toppling an iconic sandstone rock formation at Cape Kiwanda. They might get fined. They need to get fined.
More street death in an already awful year. A drunk driver (allegedly) ran down a 61-year-old in East Portland on Sunday.
Someone burned up one of those tiny libraries this city loves so much. There are still 999,999 left.
The city's cool with the EPA's plan to clean up 13 percent of the toxic Portland Harbor Superfund site, according to a letter signed by Mayor Charlie Hales and Commissioner Nick Fish. Roughly 87 percent of the polluted riverbed will be left untouched under the plan. The Portland Business Alliance is taking out "native" ads on the Oregonian's website bemoaning the potential costs. Environmental types say the plan doesn't got nearly far enough.
Not not funny. China made President Obama exit out of the "ass of Air Force One"when he touched down this weekend, apparently declining to offer a mobile stairway. He got the stairway when he left.
Obama was in China, in part, to talk about reducing emissions that lead to global warming. The NYT over the weekend did a big piece about how this warming globe's rising sea levels are making their presence known.
The inundation of the coast has begun. The sea has crept up to the point that a high tide and a brisk wind are all it takes to send water pouring into streets and homes.
Meanwhile, North Korea's firing ballistic missiles in Japan's general direction.
And Russia's got its hands all up in the presidential election—to a degree that Sen. Harry Reid finds very upsetting.
And Donald Trump did some lame pandering at a Detroit church.
One poll now shows Trump with a slight lead, roughly two months from election day. See what I mean about this morning being bleak?
Oh, and it's chilly and raining. Adios, summer.