That tingling feeling inside your juicy spot is signifying one thing and one thing only: BREAKING BAD'S SEASON FIVE PREMIERE IS THIS SUNDAY AT 10 PM ON AMC. Here's your roundup of everything you need to know about this joyous occasion:
• For those who need a BB brush up, here's a video recap of this landmark show's first four seasons in TEN SHORT MINUTES. Warning: The narrator needs his stupid mouth slapped off.
• Star Bryan Cranston picks his 13 fave Breaking Bad moments, with video proof and commentary. I like this.
• Aaron Paul (Jessie Pinkman) describes meeting BB "binge watchers" (like you!).
• Are you "a bitch"? Find out with this helpful Jessie Pinkman "Are You a Bitch?" flow chart.
• Breaking Bad mashed up with Batman... it works.
• Are you a Dish customer who's pissed because your provider dumped AMC? Starting today you can go to the AMC website and register to see a free live stream of Sunday night's premiere.
• And while it has nothing to do with BB, here's Cranston and his family in a sweet PSA sticking up for marriage equality. Because, OF COURSE.