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Dear HBO's The Newsroom: I'M BREAKING UP WITH YOU. Yes, I admit it... I was only using you during those sad, boring summer weeks when there was absolutely nothing of value on TV. Yes, I knew you were annoying, and I hung with you anyway... that is, until Breaking Bad (THE BEST SHOW ON TV!!!) returned last night. So I'm showing you the door. And keep talkin' that mess, that's fine, but can you walk and talk at the same time? And it's my name that's on that Jag, so remove your bags, let me call you a cab. Gone? Good. LET'S CHITTY-CHAT ABOUT THE SEASON PREMIERE OF BREAKING BAD, AFTER THE JUMP!
UPDATE! AMC is now streaming last night's season premiere on line for, like, free. Watch it and join in on the chitty-chat!
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- Courtesy AMC
- "Speaking of Jags, I know I parked mine here somewhere...."