For those who may have been worried, this unsurprising bit of TV news should be music to your ears. The Real World: Portland debut was only watched by a dismal 720,000 viewers. For comparison, here are a few extra stats from Variety:
“Real World” has tried to keep up with the rapid-fire pace in the unscripted realm, offering two seasons in Las Vegas that were hotbeds for conflict and drew strong ratings for the series. Since the 2011 Vegas run, however, ratings have steadily ticked downwards: San Diego averaged around 1.4 million viewers, and St. Thomas barely 1.1 million. The Portland season debut to under 800,000 viewers is a testament to the show not being as groundbreaking or relevant as it once was to MTV’s core audience.
Fare thee well, The Real World: Portland—I barely knew you were here.