It seems like a lot of weight to put on the third episode, but there's quite a few people for which The Asset is make-or-break. That's one of the dangers of living in the so-called "Golden Age" of television: The hours needed for a show to figure itself out can often be better spent at any given moment on five, or six, or (thanks to Netflix/Amazon) 20 other shows that have already established they can deliver the goods.
So this episode needs to work a lot better than the preceding two if it wants to keep enough viewers (like me) sticking around to stave off cancellation, even if the show is owned by Disney. Sure, they can afford to give SHIELD a little more rope. But television history is littered with dead shows backed by serious money that still choked to death at the end of their corporate leash, chasing after bored viewers they could no longer catch.
So did our shiny, eager group of puppy-ish smartasses manage to keep me around for one more week?
Reminder: these recaps are written with the idea that a) you watched the show or b) you don't care about spoilers. If that's you, let's hack ourselves a backdoor invite past the jump to find out if we're finally gonna get some honest-to-Uatu supervillainy in our comic book show