Though HBO has been historically verrrrry stingy about selling its service directly (a' la carte) to customers—forcing YOU to buy a thousand shitty extra channels if you want to watch Game of Thrones (which is still overrated, if you ask me), it looks like the cable giant is dipping its toes in the a' la carte internet streaming waters, with some help from Comcast. From Gigaom:
Love HBO, but hate paying for expensive cable bundles? Comcast’s got a deal for you: The cable provider just started to promote a new offering dubbed “Internet Plus” that consists of internet access, HBO and local TV channels for $40 a month.
It should be quickly noted that so far this is just a TEST, and is only being trotted out in certain markets (not Portland, BOOOO!), and it's only for first time buyers, and the price will hop up to $70 per month after a year... but still! This is a small, but important step for consumers who are sick of being tied to the cable companies oppressive bundling packages.