Record Review: Mic Capes, Concrete Dreams
by Jenni Moore LAST MONTH Portland hip-hop’s most relevant players packed the Yanagida shop on Mississippi to finally hear Mic Capes’Concrete Dreams. During the listening party, Capes was “serious as...
View ArticleFever Dreaming with Cass McCombs
Cass McCombs’ newest record Mangy Love is real magic. by William Kennedy “THIS IDEA that I’m not into doing interviews, it’s a weird lie that won’t die,” Cass McCombs says over the phone. “I’ve never...
View ArticleThings To Do Film
This Week: My Blind Brother, hippies in space, and yet another Beauty and the Beast. by Mercury Staff Author: The JT Leroy StorySee review, this issue. Fox Tower 10.Beauty and the Beast With this...
View ArticleLaura Albert’s Long Con
This review was not written by JT LeRoy. by Megan Burbank IT’S BEEN CALLED the greatest literary hoax of all time, but it wasn’t a hoax. It was a con. When Laura Albert, a thirtysomething San...
View ArticleThe Portland German Film Festival: Now Featuring Hamsters!
Also: WWII and try-hards. by Marjorie Skinner THERE’S SOMETHING charmingly bizarro about annual by-country groupings of cinema. Movements can certainly emerge based on convergence of time and...
View ArticleThe Magnificent Seven
A review by the Magnificent Henriksen. by Erik Henriksen ELMER BERNSTEIN’S rousing theme for 1960’s The Magnificent Seven doesn’t turn up in the The Magnificent Seven: 2016 Edition until the end...
View ArticleGet Back in My Eyeholes, Tears!
Jerry Lewis shines in the manipulative Max Rose. by Wm. Steven Humphrey WHILE EVEYRONE REMEMBERS Jerry Lewis’ hilarious youth with comedy partner Dean Martin, less is said about his flings with drama....
View ArticleAngus Scrimm: The Antithesis of a Horror Monster
Remembering the man behind Phantasm. by Edmund Stone THIS SATURDAY, September 24, the Hollywood Theatre is screening the classic horror film Phantasm. Unfortunately, I won’t be in Portland that...
View ArticleSady Doyle Dives into the Wreck
Trainwreck deconstructs our obsession with suffering women. by Megan Burbank BRITNEY SPEARS became human to me in 2007. Until her very public breakdown that year, Britney had seemed like a robot built...
View ArticleHere is Dame Darcy, Your Comics Queen
The world is catching up with her—just in time for The Meat Cake Bible. by Suzette Smith LAST JANUARY, Angoulême, the second largest comics festival in Europe, made a crazy misogynist blunder. Of 30...
View ArticleThe Gun Show Won’t Be a Hit with Everyone
But it starts a crucial conversation about America. by Joshua James Amberson IN COHO’S PRODUCTION of The Gun Show, the fourth wall is down, the script is onstage, the playwright is in the audience,...
View ArticleEverything as Fuck: Supernatural, Part 2
Part two of Ian’s Santana Supernatural series. by Ian Karmel The following is the second in a four-part series examining the lasting impact of Carlos Santana’s electrifying album Supernatural,...
View ArticleI, Anonymous
"It was the first time in my life I was attracted to a bus driver."IT WAS the first time in my life I was attracted to a bus driver. I got on the #6 bus. She had purple hair, rainbow-reflective...
View ArticleThrough the “Eviction Mill”
As the housing crisis worsens, landlords have a friend in the county court. by Thacher Schmid WHEN ELENORE WILLIAMS' family of seven moved into a new apartment in 2013 and found it infested with...
View ArticleHall Monitor—The True Price of Hales’ Police Deal
City Council supports spending $6.8 million for cops, but it’ll cost you more. by Dirk VanderHart AFTER MONTHS of push and pull, Mayor Charlie Hales found a sweet spot last week with a dollar figure:...
View ArticleLetters to the Editor
“Learn about how Portland became Portland!” PORTLAND 101RE: Mercury Editor-in-Chief Wm. Steven Humphrey’s introduction to “The Newcomers’ Guide to Portland 2016” [Feature, Sept 14]. “Here’s the thing...
View ArticleRue La La
Satisfying small plates In Buckman. by Andrea Damewood FOR MORE THAN four years, New York Times food critic Pete Wells has been singing my favorite song: Don’t give me a “small plate” that’s meant for...
View ArticleConquering Sommelier Anxiety Disorder with Brent Braun
Conquering sommelier anxiety disorder with Brent Braun. by MJ Skegg Sommelier anxiety is a common condition, judging by the pages of advice on the internet about how to speak to the gatekeepers of...
View ArticleBurden of Proof? Naw…
by Anonymous The Republicans have smeared the Clintons so much over the past 20+ years that's it's actually having an affect on so-called liberals. But here's the thing: NOTHING'S EVER BEEN PROVEN....
View ArticleWhere Are You?
by Anonymous We were best friends in high school. I moved away for a few months for college but when I moved back you had completely dropped out. We were both at weird places in our lives at that...
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