Edward Scissorhands Made by Director Who Wants to Be True to White People
by Charles Mudede The director Tim Burton has finally explained why there are no black people (or people of color) in almost all his films. It's not that he dislikes blacks or anything like that, but,...
View ArticleSavage Love Letter of the Day: A Tweet Storm of Excellent Advice
by Dan Savage There are four or five hundred thousand emails in my inbox from straight guys asking why assholes get all the girls, why they keep getting friend-zoned, and why the girls who really...
View ArticleCrossdresser
by Anonymous I'm a 32 year old married masculine man. By masculine I mean full beard, stocky, bulky arms, broad shoulders, deep voice, etc. You would never know it if you met me, but I cross-dress in...
View ArticleHappy 10th Birthday to Portland's Media Institute for Social Change!
by Wm.™ Steven Humphrey Courtesy Media Institute for Social ChangeIt was roughly 10 years ago this month when former Mercury reporter (and forever friend of the paper) Phil Busse launched the Media...
View ArticleNo One’s Policing Lead Dust in Demolition-Happy Portland
by Dirk VanderHart NICOLE XUIN A YEAR when environmental hazards have screamed across TV news broadcasts with surprising frequency, lead has had a starring role.Already on alert from disturbing...
View ArticleThings To Do Tonight 9/30
by Mercury Staff Drive-By Truckers, Lydia Loveless Drive-By Truckers—whose badass name matches their bad-ass Southern alt-country sound—are making a can’t-miss stop in Portland the same day the...
View ArticleSocially Acceptable Housing
by Anonymous As a longtime Portlander, can I move into YARD, aka Death Star? Or is it only allowed for atonal immigrants?[ Comment on this story ][ Subscribe to the comments on this story ]
View ArticleMaking Movies Is Hard! Best Fake Friends Is Proof
by Elinor Jones BEST FAKE FRIENDSNot exactly Portland's greatest moment.I'd like to start this review by saying that I commend anyone who has the guts to create something, and put that thing out into...
View ArticleTrump's Worst Week Ever
by Rich Smith Even Trump's aides have had it up to here with him. JStone / Shutterstock.comIf the timestamps on this morning's tweetstorm are any indication, Trump didn't get much sleep last night....
View ArticleThings To Laugh At This Weekend
by Mercury Staff Lez Stand Up: Pumpkin Spice Edition I fucking love Lez Stand Up. Not only is it one of the city’s absolute best queer-friendly comedy showcases, it’s one of the city’s best comedy...
View ArticleThings to Eat and Drink This Weekend
by Mercury Staff CYNO CUBNicky USA's Wild About Game A cooking competition celebrating the flavors of wild game, with chefs from Portland facing off against Seattle's best to determine which city...
View ArticleScience News: CO2 Levels Clear Frightening Threshold. So Even if Trump Loses,...
by Ethan Linck Earth looking a little like Solaris on September 27, 2016.NASAGlobal Mean Atmospheric CO2 Levels Clear 400ppm, Forever: The average concentration of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere...
View ArticleMessy McMansion
by Anonymous Dear certain construction company that has been doing work across the street all summer. There have been the typical inconveniences: noise, closed sidewalks, blaring music, less parking,...
View ArticleGood News for the Clinton Campaign: Donald Trump is Tweeting Garbage Again
by Megan Burbank Artist's rendering of Donald Trump.iStockToday, in the sad ravings of a racist baby carrot dipped in hummus: Donald Trump apparently can't stop taking the bait.When Hillary Clinton...
View ArticleSo Now I am a Creep?
by Anonymous We live in the same building and when I moved in you were very friendly and talkative, a rare thing in this city of introverts. We would talk about our days and found that we had quite a...
View ArticleLeft My Truck in Your Driveway
by Anonymous Look you annoying vegetable. I've politely listened to you complain about the fact that you have no yard for your unfriendly dog to play in. You built a McMansion on a 5000 squair foot...
View ArticleThis Week On Blogtown
by Bri Brey Everything you missed from Monday September 26-Friday September 29. MICHELA BUTTIGNOLTOP STORY: HIS WORD AGAINST MINE: A tough read, but an important one. Here are sexual assault...
View ArticleEverything as Fuck: Part Three of Ian’s Examination of Santana’s Supernatural
by Ian Karmel The following is the third in a four-part series examining the lasting impact of Carlos Santana’s electrifying album Supernatural, released in 1999.Man, it’s a hot one. It’s hard to say...
View ArticleChoose Your Own Republican Adventure!
by Anonymous I would like any of you Republicants out there to finally admit to one of three options regarding the Clintons being "criminals and traitors." Since nothing's ever been proven and they've...
View ArticleThings To Do Today 10/1
by Mercury Staff FrightTown Halloween is just around the corner, which means if you love a good scare, you’ll shriek in joy over the best haunted house in Portland, FrightTown. Celebrating its 12th...
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