Welcome back to The Walking Dead Chitty-Chat Club where we recap last night's episode—which really TOOK A BITE out a certain character! (Heh.) My snappy blow-by-blow is after the jump and you can expect a MOUTHFUL of spoilers... just like the one I just let slip. Join me for a BUFFET of fun and your comments after the jump! LET'S CHOW DOWN ON SOME CHITTY-CHATTING!
More fun after the jump!
Here's what I'm thinking about last night's episode two of season five, "Strangers."
1) Okay, so after kicking every single ass in Terminus last week (thanks again, Carol—but still no thanks for burning up our roommates with gasoline), the gang is on the road again, but not so willing to escort Fat Elvis the Scientist and G.I. Ginger to Washington. That's when they hear...
2) "HALP! HALP!!" And lookie, lookie, it's an actual priest about to get devoured by zombies. Naturally, Rick doesn't trust him as far as he can throw them—because if there's anything we've learned from Terminus, it's that people are dicks, and will have you hanging from a butcher hook if given half the chance. Also one should never trust a priest... especially when kids are within grabbing distance. Amirite? HIGH FIVE!
3) Meanwhile, the formerly drunk-as-a-skunk Bob is on top of the world, relieved that he didn't get a baseball bat to the noggin at Terminus, and getting all smoochy-woochy with new gal pal Sasha. (Oh dear, something terrible is going to happen to him, isn't it?) When they all arrive at Rev. Suspicious' church, things look semi-not suspicious... except for, you know, that mysterious "You'll burn in hell for this!!" message on the side of the building. Hmmm... let's ignore that for now, and... wait. Is that someone following us in the woods? Hmmm.... let's ignore that also for now.
4) Rick's rangers and the dragged-along-for-the-ride Rev. Suspicious raid the town's food bank, and fight off a bunch of zombies in a flooded basement that apparently smells like a cellar full of vomit. (Notice how they never take a bath after these fights? Dear god, the stench from those guys!) Rev. Suspicious sees his former church organist as a zombie, freaks out, and has to be rescued by Rick—WHO'S STILL SUSPICIOUS, BY THE WAY. Bob walks right into an underwater zombie and is either bitten, or not bitten, I don't know. (It won't matter for long, anyway! FORESHADOWING.)
5) Back at the First Methodist Church of Suspicion, and while Daryl and Carol (cute names!) chase after the car Farmer McDrunky's daughter Beth took off in last season, the rest of the gang parties hardy with the booty they stole from the Food Bank. G.I. Ginger convinces them to accompany him, Sgt. McSexy and Fat Elvis the Scientist to Washington, and Rev. Suspicious remains suspicious. Bob smooches Sasha again (get a room, you guys!!), and steps out into the woods for a good cry. (Ughh. Bob is the worst. I hope something terrible happens to him.) And that's when... WHAMMO! I told you guys someone in the woods was following us!!
6) Bob wakes up to find himself surrounded by those dicks from Terminus—led by the super smarmy Cannibal McHipster, who's chewing a piece of delicious leg. OH SWEET GOD, THAT'S BOB'S LEG! AHHH! AHHH!AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! (Annnnd... scene.)
7) While these Terminus dicks are a bit too reminiscent of Guv'nah Morrissey and his stooges for my taste, I still enjoy the fact that The Walking Dead keeps raising the stakes and delivering really grotesque set pieces week after week. And as long as they don't invite Blondie McGunnerson back, I'm gonna stick with season five for awhile. HEY, WHAT DID YOU THINK?? Leave your opinions and recipes for Bob-B-Qued Leg in the comments below!