Did you see last night's episode of The Walking Dead, which including perhaps the most GRUESOME hipster murder ever portrayed on TV? Yeah? Well, let's CHITTY-CHAT about it! After the jump is my spoiler-filled recap, and I'd love to hear your comments... in the comments. Let's start chitty-chatting, chitty-chatters!
Here's what I'm thinking about last night's episode, "Four Walls and a Roof."
1) So can we all agree that Gareth, the cannibalistic leader of Terminus, is the WORST... HIPSTER... EVER?!? He's seriously like every terrible barista that's ever lived, rolled up into one smarmy jackass. Plus, he ate Bob's leg! That's even worse than constantly reminding us he's going vinyl record shopping this afternoon. ANYWAY. Smarmy Gareth is being a total prick to Bob... but Bob gets the last maniacal laugh when he tells the Terminus group, "Oh, by the by... I got, like, bitten by a zombie? So, like, you're all infected now, HAHAHAHAAAAAAAA!!!" Put that in your half-caff soy macchiato and drink it, hipster jerks.
2) Meanwhile back at the church, everybody's looking for Bob (and the cutely named Daryl and Carol, who tore off looking for Farmer McDrunky's daughter Beth... more on her later). Sasha is tired of Reverend McSuspicious' suspicious shenanigans, and forces a confession out of him. As I suspected, he's just feeling McGuilty about not letting his former parishioners into his church as they were getting chomped by zombies. (In his defense, the last person anyone should trust is a priest.)
3) PLOP! The Terminus gang dropped one-legged Bob back on the church's doorstep. He tells them about the school where the hipsters are holed up, and confesses that he was zombie-bitten. G.I. Ginger is now officially sick of this bullshit drama, and demands that the gang pack up their crap, load up the short bus, and join him in taking Fat Elvis the Scientist to Washington. A fight almost erupts, but peacemaker Glenn solves the problem by volunteering to go with them if they wait one more day for Daryl and Carol (cute!) to get back. G.I. Ginger agrees, and Rick's Rangers devise an exceedingly cunning plan (I'm being sarcastic here) to attack the Terminus hipsters.
4) "(Whistle, whistle) Oh, hi, anybody watching us from the woods! We're just taking a leisurely stroll over to the school to kill the Terminus hipsters! Nothing to see here! (Whistle, whistle.)" Naturally the Terminus hipsters fall for this stupidly rudimentary plan like a ton of bricks (STUPID HIPSTERS! HAHAHAHA!), sneak into the church, and are just about to eat Baby Judith over a plate of Basmati rice and greens when Rick and the gang jump in and yell, "Ah-HA! We fooled you with our exceedingly cunning and stupidly rudimentary plan. Now please stay still as I HACK YOU TO PIECES WITH A MACHETE." Jesus. Anger issues, much?
5) Aaaand that's the end of Gareth, I guess. Rev. Suspicious is all like, "How dare you murder people in the Lord's house?" And Maggie is like, "It's just four walls and roof. BURN." Meanwhile, unlike Gareth, Bob is taking FOR-EVER to die, but at least is chipper to the end, and the job falls to Tyreese to stick a knife in his noggin. But unlike the machete-swinging Rick, he does so gently and all we hear is just the soft squish of brain tissue being punctured. Nighty-night, Bob.
6) COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO! It's a brand new day, and G.I. Ginger, Sgt. McSexy, Fat Elvis the Scientist, Glenn and Maggie hop the short bus to Washington. Ginger invites Rick to follow them when he can, and apologizes for being such an "asshole." OH, YOU BIG GALOOT. I CAN'T STAY MAD AT YA!
7) That night Michonne hears some movement in the woods... and yay! It's Daryl! But where's Carol? (Cute.) Apparently, someone or someones are in the trees behind him, aaaaand... roll credits. WHO DO YOU THINK IT IS? I say it's Carol and Farmer McDrunky's daughter Beth, and the next episode will be all about how they rescued her from an evil STD clinic. (I have no proof of that last part. Just a hunch.)
8) If I remember correctly, this is the first time where Rick and his Rangers murdered people with such malicious glee... but I have a terrible memory. But MAN, things have certainly reached a new level of grotesqueness this season, wouldn't you agree? OR WOULDN'T YOU? Leave your comments in the comments below, and remember... until the apocalypse comes, it's still illegal to hack up hipsters with a machete. :(