Hey! Did you watch last night's episode of The Walking Dead? It was probably the most "normal" episode in quite some time, and yet? The most CREEEEEEPY. Particularly in regards to Carol's new sweater. Check out my full spoiler-filled recap after the jump, and weigh in with your own opinions on that sweater that I had bad dreams about all night. LET'S START CHITTY CHATTING!
Here's what I'm thinking about last night's episode, "Remember."
1) This episode picks up right where the last one left off, as the gang walks into their new gated community/ apparent paradise "Alexandria"—but wait! Daryl needs kill an opossum with his crossbow. THWACK!"Dinner... is served." Everybody is on their guard, but the residents convince Rick and the gang to give up their weapons, and visit the community's leader (a congresswoman... DON'T TRUST HERRRRR!) to do a Real World-style video interview. In true reality show fashion, Rick reminds her he isn't there to make friends.
2) After learning Alexandria is one of those planned communities with solar heat, running water, and full electricity, each of Rick's gang is given their own McMansion to live in. (It's like the Publisher's Clearing House up in here!) Rick showers off 17 pounds of filth and zombie blood, shaves his beard, and gets his hair cut by a blonde hottie RWWARRR, RWWARR, RWWARR! Meanwhile Daryl refuses to shower and skins the opossum on the front porch of his new house. (I love him so much.)
3) Anyway, since everything seems too good to be true, the gang decides to stay together until they can explore the joint—while keeping their guards up in their own particular way. The funniest of all is Carol who pretends to be a useless milksop housewife, wearing a baby blue sweater that is SO ridiculous it almost puts Daryl off his raw opossum lunch.
4) Meanwhile Carl Junior finds some other teens who just want to hang out and play videogames, but he is most intrigued by the most sullen teen girl in the universe—RWWARRR, RWWARR, RWWARR!—who is also a recent addition to the community, and sneaks over the fence to do... what? We don't know, maybe visit a post-apocalyptic Forever 21?
5) Surprise! The congresswoman's son is a big douchebag dick. And when he and his pal take Glenn, Tara, and Everybody Hates Chris on a scavenger hunt, his stupid no-nothing leadership skills almost gets the gang killed. When Douchey McDick gets aggro and violent about it, Glenn slips Douchey's punch and delivers one sweet-ass haymaker to his stupid douchey jawbone. Night-night, Douchey McDick! (Everybody high-fives.)
6) Boss Lady Congresswoman says, "I want Rick and Michonne to be the new sheriffs in these here parts!" Michonne, who REALLY wants this situation to work out, very nearly pees her pants in glee. Rick also agrees and slips into his new super hot mall security guard uniform. Between that and Carol's new sweater, Daryl has just about had ENOUGH... but Rick whispers to him, "We'll make it work. But if they can't make it work, WE'LL JUST TAKE THIS PLACE." (Oh, no he didn't!)
7) So now things are gonna get interesting. Apparently Rick has been on the outside too long, and is ready to step up and be the Guv'nah Morrissey of this place if the conditions aren't pitch perfect. But how is Michonne gonna feel about that? Get ready for some serious intragroup political struggles and hopefully father and son will have a little RWWARRR, RWWARR, RWWARR, Bow-Chicka-Wow-Wow with the hairdresser and Carl Junior's sullen little gal pal!